Meet the friends
of Menti

This is a place to show gratitude to those who have helped build Menti into what it is today. Meet our partners, guest authors, and supporters.

Learn the many ways on how you can get involved and make an impact on our community.

  • Partner with us

    As they say, team work makes the dream work. If you think collaborating with us would make an impact, please reach out!

  • Be a guest author

    Publish your article on our resource page or blog, and it can make a world of difference to someone out there.

  • Share your career story

    Share your work experience to inspire and help others on their career journey. Publish your story on our career exploration page.

  • Be a Menti ambassador

    Work alongside with our team and help us grow the Menti brand within your community.

  • Give us a shout out

    Share with us how Menti or anyone in our community has impacted you, we will appreciate it forever!

  • Buy us a coffee

    100% of donation goes into maintaining our learning platform and growing awareness to create visibility for the community.n goes here.

Meet Our Partners


Partner with us.

As they say, team work makes the dream work. If you think collaborating with us would make an impact, please reach out to us below. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know exactly how we fit together. We can always brainstorm ideas together.

Meet Our Guest Authors

Become a guest author.

Have cool knowledge to share? Let us publish your article, and it can make a world of difference to someone out there. Whether it be an article on sleeping better or an overview on how to break into your field, we are interested in any educational piece you’d like to write.


Become a Menti Brand Ambassador

Grow alongside Menti and make a big impact in your community with us.

What people
are saying


"Connecting with Menti's community helped me find a new job at LinkedIn as an associate product operations manager. Jennifer, who I met through Menti's career exploration page, was super helpful! Menti facilitated an invaluable professional connection that helped me to take the next step in my career."

- Anne Park


“Menti is your go-to friend for all things related to college, career, and personal finance! Charming and informative, Menti breaks down complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner. I particularly enjoy their "Career Tasting Experience" series and their investing articles as I navigate my career path and journey to financial independence!”

- Sharleen Mok


Give us a simple
shout out

We’d love to hear how Menti or anyone in our community has helped you. Give us a S/O here or on your social media, we will appreciate it forever!


Buy us a coffee

Support the volunteer-based team behind Menti by donating any amount you like. 100% of the fund goes into maintaining our learning platform and growing awareness to create visibility for the community.

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